The first "day" (a yesterday and a tomorrow all interpliced) was all a bit through-the-looking-glass feeling, as expected. But generally everything's actually been shockingly smooth. And, of course, stunning and fun and beautiful. We both got maybe 2 hours of sleep on the flight, had another 2 hour nap after settling at the hostel, strolled away the afternoon and evening, went to bed at 11:30 and woke up at 8:30. Eat that, jet lag. My hypothesis about how we reset ourselves so nicely to Big Ben is that if you let yourself get disoriented enough your circadian rhythms just give up and submit to your will.
In the sullen teenage files of my memory, London was rude and aloof, overcast and piled with sooty oppressive-looking old buildings and uptight imperial history. Buuut... from the first bus ride to Gatwick- where we were dazzled by gorgeous hobbiton-like villages, adorably incomprehensible signs and the world's happiest sedan-sized frolicking spotted pig- it's been turning my old impression and a lot of the usual stereotypes upside-down. (And really it had already won me over minutes after we left the plane with those turbo hand-dryers in the airport that make your skin ripple like you're in a wind tunnel. )
It's been:
a) Consistently mild and sunny without a drop of rain.
b) Oddly exotic feeling... I hadn't remembered but they have everything ranging from Magnolias and Sycamores to palms and Umbrella trees. And hilarious kooky birds.
c) Populated by quirky, fashionable characters with huge varieties of accents and hospitality styles... Even within our hostel, which has a Jekyll and Hyde set of managers... Day Guy is sullen and reluctant to explain even where the bathrooms and keys are, whereas Night Guy is manically friendly and chatty, calls for us on a non-earned first name basis when we're trying to sneak out and avoid talking, and pushes glasses of juice on us when we're trying to go to sleep. Jury's still out on who we like less. And also on which of the two chose the pornographic death-themed surrealist paintings all over the hostel walls. Actually my money's on Lurch the Bathroom-Stalking Janitor. But no bedbugs or headlice or beer-soaked masses, so disregard the last couple sentences and chalk me down as No Complaints.
d) Unreasonably well-designed and beautiful and interesting... I don't know what else to say. On that first walk literally every corner revealed a new building or landscape that was intriguing and awe-inspiring and gorgeous in completely in its own way. We basically did the whole core length-wise, and hit up Buckingham Palace, the Thames and the London Eye, Big Ben, the Wellington Monument, and several parks, right off the plane on almost zero rest. Best idea ever! Who'd have thought?
e) Mostly as insanely priced as you might think, but today we were pleasantly surprised by some affordability loopholes... and are now ONLY buying daypasses for busses (£3.50 for the day, vs. the embarassing £16= $34 we managed to spend going like TWO STOPS that we could have walked in 15 minutes yesterday. And let's not even talk about the $11 "meals" {good ol' BK for dinner and Benjy's... the lunch of bone-and-veiled-filled-to-the-point-of-being-a-dissectable-specimen fish & overboiled peas featured in Lins' pics}).. and are eating from grocery stores.
Anyhoodles, bulletpoints are that we're safe and snug, the G20 fears were greatly over-rated (the only protest we saw was Tibetan... talk about anti-climactic), and we're havin a blast. So enjoy the pics and please comment EVERYONE, because we miss you and love you and want to hear from you but don't want to spend our days bogged down in our inbox. The trip already feels too short!!
Ride out
Not provocateur in the bunch... and their chants weren't even all that catchy.
As predicted by my ever garden-oriented mom, the trees and flowers are well ahead of our spring schedule.

We asked this woman to snap our pic in front of Big Ben and got scammed into doing shots of her and her huge tour group with all of their various confusing cameras... only to find that it was blurry. The third biggest scam next to the Benjy's fish and chips and the Tube.

Random Beauty

I guess it wasn't ALL lovely gardens and stately buildings.

On the last day we suddenly went "Wait.... DOUBLE decker!"

Is your blog's time setting adjusted to London time? It should be, so that I can know what time it is there when you're posting stuff.
Here, it's completely grey and raining and miserable out.
Oh, and why are there so many gaps in the post?
In answer to two of your questions, we got turfed out of the net cafe because it was midnight and so I didnt have time to finish formatting. But really, is that all you have to say?? I have a petty criticism about your comment... Be more enthusiastic ;) also remember- and this isnt a response to your post but a note for everyone- this is for friends, family, and family friends. Keep your caustic cynicism and profanity where it belongs, please. You know where.
Yellow studs? You've evidently been visiting London's Chinatown. I hope you avoided picking up or getting picked up by any, as the sign clearly warned. It must be a big problem over there, as they even have signs to warn unsuspecting citizens and tourists.
Caustic? I was simply curious as to the gaps and time setting.
Ha, the picture of the statue almost looks like it just did some kind of crazy tennis manoeuver, which caused the ball to leave a smoke tail in its wake.
Let me state that, although I've never dreamed of going to Europe, I'm suddenly very envious indeed!
AND, let me also tell you that Jordan and I, who were unfortunately looking like twins at the time (similar hair styles and colours, same coloured clothes and shoes), were walking in Kensington the other day and ran into Rob and Matt, who unfortunately and uncannily ALSO looked like twins at the time (similar hair styles and colours, same coloured clothes and shoes). I wonder which of each pair was the Bizarro World person and which was the real thing.
And Zicheng, that was hilarious
Yes, I agree Zicheng. That was a good one. Not to mention Alexander, of course.
I usually don't mention Alexander, it's true!
I second a nomination for Alexander. And I think I was just pointing out the obvious. I mean, "Yellow Studs" was why the picture was taken, was it not?
Technically, it should be the reason that any picture is taken, I think.
Hey Lindsay!
just showing the folks how to post comments!
hey lins, just had a "how to blog" lesson from jason. alice and i tried to post comments last night with no success. I have now been enlightened. We are enjoying your commentary and the pictures are wonderful! Too bad about the inedible fish & chips! (hope it wasn't the Feathers)
I guess you're in Scotland now. Is it Edinburgh or Edinborough? Dad's out now, taking Jason & Susan home. I talked to Mo today and to Lynda (separate calls)They are both following your trip.
Sunshine is good, we bought her a new toy.As promised she is getting loads of attention.
talk soon, love mom
mum, you're so cute! good blogging!
i miss you too, i'll call soon!
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