Jules at Victoria Station. We were a bit jet-lagged while trying to find the tube.

The subways in London are so small and toyish-looking, very colourful, and they always tell you on speakers what cool stuff is in the area of each stop - very helpful because the underground can be Big Time confusing - and expensive. £4 ($8) for a single one-way fare! We used the tube until we realized you can get an all-day bus pass for £3.50.

No real reason for posting this, I just love this picture!

Some streets/things in Kensington, near our hostel:

Baaaad fish'n'chips I ordered and couldn't quite eat. We went a little too 'greasy' spoon and it was a big mistake. Never go to Benjy's!

We took a walk along Cromwell street, and kept stumbling into amazing buildings and artwork. Here's a sculpture made from layered glass.

The Natural History Museum.

We ran into this Tibet protest - the only G20-related protest we happened to see.

Jules and I at the Queen Vic. monument.

This is part of a WWI moniment that I really liked - a sleeping soldier.

We can't walk anywhere without seeing ridiculously lush and fabulous gardens. Here are some around Green Park, near Buckingham Palace.

The London Eye at night - it rotates so slowly that you can barely see it go.

The Thames

Extra points for spotting the hidden soldiers

This morning I went exploring and found Westminster Cemetery - probably the best part of London that I've seen yet. It was packed with birds and squirrels and was SO green and lush. It had the perfect cobination of maintainence and overgrowth. It was other worldly:

This squirrel followed along side me for 5 minutes and then tried to climb up the back of my pant leg!

My kind of eye cream:

Hope you all are well - and we'll try to update often!
Wowzers--that's an expensive subway ride. The prices in London kinda make sense--if you were to replace the pound sign by a dollar sign, ignoring the actual conversion. Love the pics! My London trip was tainted by the incessant downpour so I love seeing London in SUNSHINE in your pics. What's next on the itinary? Any Obama sightings?
Er... the poster above is Cousin Maureen. Blogspot used to ask you for your name and hotlink your homepage to that name, but I guess no longer.
HEY! nice pics! you have to try the fish and chips again it should almost be round cause there is sooo much batter on it!
It's Lindsay- thanks for posting guys! Mo- we have one more full day here in London and were going to try to see the wetlands,then it's off to Edinburgh on the night train, (more stiff necks!)
katherine- i know! I wantto try the fish'n chips again, but it might have to wait until prereturn flight london. Benjy's ruined me!
Talk soon!
Hey Lindsay,
yeah - i had a horrible fish n' chips experience over there as well!
ya just can't go anywhere and expect a good batch... we just wandered into some pub and ordered. unhhh
The pics are great! Keep them coming!
have fun
ur bro J.
uh -that crow looks huge & menacing! was that stick a weapon? lol
Hi Lindsay, I've been wondering when you were going on ur trip - LOL - London looks great - love the Westminster pics, beautiful yet eerie! I can't afford to travel this year so I'll live vicariously through your pics - keep them coming. Have Fun!!! Lynda
Ha, Benjy's food reminds me of Denny's food. And that cemetery looks awesome - it reminds me of what I pictured the cemetery in the beginning of Great Expectations would look like.
J - the crow pic is my favourite pic! and yeah - they were sort of menacing looking.. .with the gathering of the sticks and all
caroline - its the best cemetery EVER
Great picture. Keep it coming Linsay. We're following you every step of the way. As for the fish and chips, at least you can say you've tryed it.
Joan and Gary
beware of overly friendly squirrels! the cemetery pics are lovely. perfectly spring-like!
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